Monday, September 12, 2011

Playing 'Grandpa' for a day. Or two.

The sticker given out by the receptionist at Gene Witt Elementary School Monday morning was cool.

It read, "Grandparents Make Smiles Happen"

Even when they may not really be grandparents.

Like yours truly.

Leah James, a Witt kindergartener, thinks of me as Uncle Vinny.

Her sister, Brooke, a second-grader, does, too.

They are the darling daughters of my wife Sherri's boss Jon James and his wife Jen.

It was Grandparents Day at the school, but the girls grands live in Michigan and wouldn't be able to make it.

When we heard how disappointed they were, we decided to do something.

I volunteered to be a "Grandpa" for a day.

It turned out great.

Leah was surprised and gave me a big hug when Jen and I walked into the Witt cafeteria.

I had fun making sure two of her classmates finished their hot dog and hamburger, respectively, after they'd already enjoyed their red-white-and-blue popsicles.

The one with the hot dog finished, anyway.

When our half hour lunch was up, we returned to Leah's classroom where I got another hug and drove back to work.

I get to play Grandpa all over again Thursday for Brooke.

Can't wait.

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